Thursday, 10 December 2009
Some students have started a group on facebook about the poor qualilty technology we have to work with, I will put a link to this on my blog.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Die Dritte welle: The Third Wave
As a class we were unsure what was happening when we all recieved an email from Mr Smith saying we needed to become a collective identity. There were 5 rules we had to abide by;
-Students must sit one space apart from one another and face the front.
- Students must stand up to ask or answer questions.
- Students must stand up whenever another member of staff enters the room.
- Students must answer questions in three words or less.
- All response must be prefaced with "Mr. Smith."
We were also told that any and each infringement of the above rules will result in a 5 minute detention.
In class we had to write down things that made us the same, rather than things that made us individual, after thinking about it it was clear that there were more similarities that we had than differences.
At the end of the lesson we had to write down something that made us individual and stick it on the board, next we each had to pick a different anonymous post-it and create a poster showing different images that relate to the person we had chosen, without including their name. I found this really interesting as it allowed us to see what other people think of us, and how we are viewed.
Memes Presentation
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Pulp Fiction, Postmodernism

- Deliberately bad backdrops when characters are in cars, here when Butch runs away after his fight he gets into a 1940's taxi and the outside of the car appears to be black and white

- Mia Wallace has the same hair cut as Louise Brookes in Pandora's Box (1928), at the time she had this short bob style it was seen as adventurous
- Reference to Psycho (1960, Hitchcock) when Butch is in his car waiting at the cross roads and has his path crossed by Marcellus Wallace his boss. In psycho the same happens to Marion Crane and her boss.
- The scene in the restaurant 'Jack Rabbit Slims' showing lots of famous people from popular culture such as Buddy Holly, Maralyn Monroe, James Dean and Elvis - all of these died at young ages
Also, while Vincent and Mia are eating dinner the waitress dressed as Monroe stands on top of a fan, this blows her skirt up as in the film The Seven Year Itch..