This artist follows Kramer's theory of postmodern music, I have chosen the song 'kreuzspiel' as an example, although all of the songs I have listened to fit with rules 1,3,4,5,6,7,11,14,15 from the theory.
Here is Alvin Lucifer's 'Music on a long thin wire' I have decided to use this piece as an example of post modern music rather than the 'I am sitting in a room' piece because i find it a lot easier to listen to, and feel that it resembles music more than the tape recording does. I think that it is really clever how this 'song' has been created and can imagine it being a very relaxing sound to listen to. It fits with Kramers rules 1,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,15.
In his own words (1992): "Music on a Long Thin Wire is constructed as follows: the wire is extended across a large room, clamped to tables at both ends. The ends of the wire are connected to the loudspeaker terminals of a power amplifier placed under one of the tables. A sine wave oscillator is connected to the amplifier. A magnet straddles the wire at one end. Wooden bridges are inserted under the wire at both ends to which contact microphones are imbedded, routed to the stereo sound system. The microphones pick up the vibrations that the wire imparts to the bridges and are sent through the playback system. By varying the frequency and loudness of the oscillator, a rich variety of slides, frequency shifts, audible beats and other sonic phenomena may be produced."
However, Lucier admits a long thin wire is only used to impress, a short thin wire would have worked as well if not better, and he discovered that the best way to produce variation in the sonic phenomena was to pick a setting and leave the setup alone. He praised David Rosenboom for his ability to pick interesting settings. -Wikipedia
I found it dificult to find postmodern elements in this timbaland song, however i think it fits with Kramers rules including 1,10,11,13. I think that the background music is quite interesting as it includes different sounds such as sirens, this is good use of technology and maybe has 'aspects of both break and extension' the video is also strange as it is in an art gallery and doesnt make much sence. It also has a bit of background before the music actually starts, providing the audience/listener with a story.